I have heard all the arguments for and against each candidate, so I’m curious considering the choices we face, what are you basing your choices on this election cycle?
So, here's my question: If you were voting for a King and the top two contenders were David, a shepherd boy that has no experience and has done little to be qualified for the job of King, versus Saul who has already been in the office for a while, and has some experience under his belt; how would you vote?
Saul became jealous, obviously has mental issues, and sets out to prevent his opponent from taking his throne, in a myriad of diabolical tactics, including trying to pin him to the wall with his spear. He called up Eli from the dead to speak to him through a necromancer and then lied and blamed others when he failed to follow God's directives. No one is flawless and we fight and quarrel, kill and covet because we do not get what we want (James 4). Whoever is not guilty, throw the first stone.
Then you have David, who was denoted as being a man after God's heart. Unfortunately, he also became jealous. Jealous for another man's wife, and plotted to kill her husband, for the same reason. Regardless, God put him in charge of running His country. Some say, “But David repented” Indeed, he did, that occurrence is documented. Nathan, the prophet came to David and told him a story about a man who stole another man's only female lamb who lived in his house with his family and rested in his arms like a child. But the man, who had plenty took that poor man's lamb rather than one from his own herd and killed it to feed his guests. Davie was livid and condemned the man. Nathan, however, pointed out that David was guilty of the same thing. I’m not minimizing David’s repentance, but he did not repent until Nathan came a year after that event and the murder of her husband. Then David repented. Great! I'm not judging David, we all use similar tactics to hide when we do not want to face our failures, and of course repentance is a god-thing. We also have the account of how God disciplined David.
My point is this…God chose David to be king over Israel despite his flaws because he was the best man. The “man after God’s heart,” baffled me for a while, until I read over and over that David never turned to worship other idols as so many other Kings did. Thus, the “man after God’s heart,” makes sense. If God really punishes those who lie and commit murder, will God not punish us all for lying, and allowing the killing of innocent babies who are deprived of living their God-given life endowed by their creator. We have two flawed sinful candidates.
We are not choosing a pastor or a priest to run our country, whom we also know are not flawless. We are choosing the best candidate that will uphold the principles that we know are of utmost importance to God, and life is the highest of those principles and values. If God, is really God, and punishes those who lie and commit murder, will God not punish these United States, for allowing the killing of innocent babies who are deprived of living their best God-given life endowed by their creator? We have two candidates with flaws. "Who will cast the first stone?" Certainly not me. We are told in I Kings 17:16-17, God condemned Israel.
“They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire and practiced divination and soothsaying. They devoted themselves to doing evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger.” This was on the heals of condemning them for making the idol and worshiping the calf at the base of the mountain.
If he punished them, are we not standing in the face of judgment for the same reasons? Are we not at the crossroads? Joshua spoke, in the book that bears his name, versus 24:16-17:
“Fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the river and in Egypt and serve the Lord… choose this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
I have made stupid decisions, no one is immune to that, but I choose God. I choose to stand with God on this one, where scripture cast no doubt on how He feels about murdering His children. I choose life for the most innocent of His creatures who have no voice or ability to choose. The arms and legs of the innocents are ripped from their bodies, their skulls crushed, and their brains drain out of what is supposed to be their safest place, while the abortionist counts the body parts. I stand with God on this one.
Who will you serve today? The lies of the enemy or the Truth of God. We do not have a crystal ball to look into the future and know to what percentage a candidate will stand on this issue, but we do have some historical events to give us a bit of insight. We cannot know what we do not know. We can only choose based on the information we have now. So, for now: “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Choose life! And leave the rest to God.
God bless us and God bless the USA.