This is a repeat posting, but It is a relevant topic...
This journey for the past two months has been a process. Process? Hmm…some of my clients have come to dislike that word. But…it is a process and it has been churning beneath the surface for several weeks. I’m reminded of the picture I got while we were at Sea World. We were waiting for Shamu and his friends to make their grand entrance into the pool in front of us. The trainers had opened the gate and we were just waiting. Suddenly the water started to move as if there were some deep undercurrent. It flowed along in waves as if being stirred from deep within. As we watched suddenly Shamu and friends began jumping, no flying out of the water to do belly flops or nose dives right in front of us. Yes, there was definitely movement under the surface. Getting these thoughts on the page was much like that as they began swirling under the water in the deepest undercurrents of my heart…making it to the surface of my mind in a literal way to splash across the paper. The process…as God has been orchestrating these thoughts…
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This journey for the past two months has been a process. Process? Hmm…some of my clients have come to dislike that word. But…it is a process and it has been churning beneath the surface for several weeks. I’m reminded of the picture I got while we were at Sea World. We were waiting for Shamu and his friends to make their grand entrance into the pool in front of us. The trainers had opened the gate and we were just waiting. Suddenly the water started to move as if there were some deep undercurrent. It flowed along in waves as if being stirred from deep within. As we watched suddenly Shamu and friends began jumping, no flying out of the water to do belly flops or nose dives right in front of us. Yes, there was definitely movement under the surface. Getting these thoughts on the page was much like that as they began swirling under the water in the deepest undercurrents of my heart…making it to the surface of my mind in a literal way to splash across the paper. The process…as God has been orchestrating these thoughts…
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