What storm are you in right this minute that you need the Savior to come to you walking on water, in all of his Deity. Is it a wayward child? Is it a relationship gone sour? Could it be just the every day hub bub of busyness where there is never enough time to take a deep breath and relax, never enough money...never enough______? Could it be a broken down vehicle and no way to fix it? Foreclosure on your home? A lost job? Cancer? That dreaded "C" word? Difficult people that keep you sad and frustrated, not knowing what to do? There are any number of "storms" that will, like the winds that the disciples confronted, attempt to prevent you from getting to your destiny..."the other shore." Can you rest, knowing that Jesus sees you and knows your struggles? Can you trust him to work in the midst of whatever that storm might be that is threatening your very soul? I can certainly assure you that he sees you, just as he did the disciples and he wants you to walk on water with him. When he enters your world, you can have peace on the inside, even as the storm continues to rage. Perhaps some of that comes from just believing, with all your heart, that he really does care for you, he sees your struggles, and he wants to calm the inner storm. "You can't calm the storm. So stop trying. What you can do is Calm yourself. The storm will pass."
Have you experienced that peace on the inside while the storm is raging. If so...share...I'd love to hear about it.