Still thinking about shattered dreams. If I could ask you about your dreams would you choose option one, option two, or option three? Dreams fulfilled? Dreams unfulfilled? Dreams in a holding tank, or washed out to in Shattered? Where do your dreams land? My guess is you are like most of us. At some point, you could probably check off each of those options about your dreams. Some dreams may have been fulfilled or are being fulfilled. Perhaps you are actually “living the dream.” I’m sure some of your dreams have not panned out as you envisioned or expected. Perhaps they are in a holding tank, and you are hoping the blender of life will continue to work its magic on what you perceive as a more realistic version of a fulfilled dream. Then there is one more option. Perhaps your dream did wash out to sea, and is no longer on the horizon but is now at the bottom of the ocean, because life happens, and dreams shatter! Perhaps you are experiencing a different version of broken. Perhaps someone is responsible. Perhaps someone threw it on the concrete and it shattered into a million pieces, right before your eyes, taking your heart with it. Any shattered dream has the potential to shatter hearts, clear thinking and motivation for living right along with it. Where are you? Shattered dreams suck the life out of us; leave us with an unbearable pain in the center of our hearts that just won’t go away, and threatens to be our undoing. The longer the dream remains unfulfilled, it weighs us down like a “box of rocks” that seems to get heavier and heavier as time goes on with no hope of any relief. It is here that hopelessness could become a constant companion. When this happens…what do, we do?
HOLD ON. . .