I'm growing in grace day by day
I'm learning to yield each step of the way.
The storm has subsided,
The wind has died down,
The sea is calm,
The sun is shining through,
The clouds have gone,
And the sky is blue,
I'm just basking in the freedom ,
Of all the things I've learned by being in Your Kingdom,
The peace, the tranquility, the rest,
And reflecting on the seeming insurmountable trials of the last test
All the time holding on to you,
Determined and knowing you would see us through.
So, what do I do now as I rest,
I don't want to lose sight of you ,
Just because I'm not in a test,
Or perhaps this is the test,
To stay close to you,
After the storm has passed.
Please Lord, don't let me slip away,
I pray I'll continue to grow closer with each passing day,
Please keep my love fresh and joy-filled and new,
As I sail in these skies so blue.
It seems unusual not to have a trial or a test,
To be able to sit back and rest,
It seems too good to be true
How do I handle this, it's all new,
What's around the corner that I can't see,
This tranquility is so unusual, how can it be,
Is it a false rest, how long before this shall pass,
For nothing this peaceful can long last.
Don't let me slip, don't let me move away,
Keep me on my knees continuing to pray,
Keep the urgency in the attitude of my heart,
To read your word so truth you can continue to impart.
I know I don't need the emotion, I know that,
But the joy of knowing your delight when I sit close with you,
And the joy I have when I experience that delight,
This is the joy of the Lord giving me strength
Staying close in the easy time may very well be the biggest test,
Keep me close, Lord,
As I continue to grow as I rest rest.
Past journal entry
I'm learning to yield each step of the way.
The storm has subsided,
The wind has died down,
The sea is calm,
The sun is shining through,
The clouds have gone,
And the sky is blue,
I'm just basking in the freedom ,
Of all the things I've learned by being in Your Kingdom,
The peace, the tranquility, the rest,
And reflecting on the seeming insurmountable trials of the last test
All the time holding on to you,
Determined and knowing you would see us through.
So, what do I do now as I rest,
I don't want to lose sight of you ,
Just because I'm not in a test,
Or perhaps this is the test,
To stay close to you,
After the storm has passed.
Please Lord, don't let me slip away,
I pray I'll continue to grow closer with each passing day,
Please keep my love fresh and joy-filled and new,
As I sail in these skies so blue.
It seems unusual not to have a trial or a test,
To be able to sit back and rest,
It seems too good to be true
How do I handle this, it's all new,
What's around the corner that I can't see,
This tranquility is so unusual, how can it be,
Is it a false rest, how long before this shall pass,
For nothing this peaceful can long last.
Don't let me slip, don't let me move away,
Keep me on my knees continuing to pray,
Keep the urgency in the attitude of my heart,
To read your word so truth you can continue to impart.
I know I don't need the emotion, I know that,
But the joy of knowing your delight when I sit close with you,
And the joy I have when I experience that delight,
This is the joy of the Lord giving me strength
Staying close in the easy time may very well be the biggest test,
Keep me close, Lord,
As I continue to grow as I rest rest.
Past journal entry